Dozens of Pattaya Bolt drivers arrested for not having public transport driving licenses

Pattaya —

Pattaya Traffic Police collaborated with the Chonburi Department of Land Transport to arrest and fine dozens of Bolt drivers who did not have public transport driving licenses to pick up customers.

The crackdown on illegal Bolt drivers happened yesterday evening, November 24th, in front of the Central Pattaya shopping mall in Pattaya, Chonburi. Traffic police randomly inspected private cars that pulled over at the mall and picked up people.

According to police, most drivers could not produce their public transport driving licenses required by Thai law to pick up and transport passengers. The majority of them also used private vehicles to pick up customers, which also contravened the law, because they must have had their vehicles registered for public transport service first.

The illegal drivers were given fine tickets of 2,000 baht, traffic police said. The officers told them to pay the fine at the Department of Land Transportation offices in their areas.

Bolt and other public transport service companies said they needed quite a while to have all their partner drivers registered and have previously fought the regulations unsuccessfully.

The original version of this article appeared on our sister website, The Pattaya News, owned by our parent company TPN media.


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Tanakorn Panyadee
The Latest Local News Translator at The Pattaya News. Aim is a twenty-two year old who currently lives and studies in his last year of college in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.