British Man Arrested on Samui Island for 25 days of Overstay

Samui, Surat Thani –

A British man was arrested on Samui Island in Surat Thani for 25 days of overstaying his legal visa conditions.

The Surat Thani Immigration officers told the Phuket Express that this week they have arrested Mr. Arran Newman, 36, British national, at a hotel in Maret on Samui Island.

He is now at 25 days of overstaying his legal visa according to officer. He was taken to the Bo Phut Police Station to face overstaying charges. It was unclear why Mr. Newman had overstayed his visa.

The arrest followed the Surat Thani Immigration officers patrolling to crack down on overstaying foreigners in a fresh campaign.

The original version of this article appeared on our sister website, The Phuket Express, owned by our parent company TPN media.


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Goongnang Suksawat
Goong Nang is a News Translator who has worked professionally for multiple news organizations in Thailand for many years and has worked with The Pattaya News for five years. Specializes primarily in local news for Phuket, Pattaya, and also some national news, with emphasis on translation between Thai to English and working as an intermediary between reporters and English-speaking writers. Originally from Nakhon Si Thammarat, but lives in Phuket and Krabi except when commuting between the three.