Thai Cop Goes Berserk, Say Witnesses, and Fires Many Rounds of Bullets in Residential Neighborhood in Bangkok

PHOTO: Khaosod English

National —

A Thai special branch police member with a reported history of mental illness went berserk, say witnesses, and fired multiple shots within his residential area in Bangkok’s Sai Mai district, terrifying neighbors.

The ongoing incident happened in the Bann Mong Kon area of Soi Jirama-korn today, March 14th. The violent cop, who is a special branch police member according to Thai media, suddenly fired his gun multiple times in the neighborhood.

Police officers from the Sai Mai Police Station rushed to the area and cordoned it off from citizens and reporters. The suspect is being surrounded as of press time, and there is currently no report of injuries.

Attempts at negotiating with the cop have been unsuccessful, according to Thai media. Pol. Col. Rangsan Sornsing, superintendent of the Sai Mai Police Station, revealed that the cop’s neighbors told him the cop has a mental health problem.

“At present, the officers are cordoning off the area and negotiating with the man to surrender himself. There are no reports yet of any injuries or fatalities from this incident,” The superintendent stated.

The intense standoff between the officers and the man continues as of press time.

This is a developing story.

The original version of this article appeared on our sister website, The Pattaya News, owned by our parent company TPN media.


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Tanakorn Panyadee
The Latest Local News Translator at The Pattaya News. Aim is a twenty-two year old who currently lives and studies in his last year of college in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.