Thai PM-Hopeful Pita Meets Bangkok Governor Chadchart to Discuss Future Cooperation

PHOTO: Siamrath

National —

Move Forward Party (MFP) leader and prime ministerial candidate Pita Limjaroenrat promised to work closely with Bangkok City Hall to tackle 21 of the capital city’s major problems, such as traffic congestion, flooding, and PM 2.5 air pollution.

Pita vowed to solve Bangkok’s main issues yesterday at a meeting with Bangkok Governor Chadchart Sittipunt. Many of his MFP’s MPs-elect for Bangkok as well as the Bangkok councillors were also present at the meeting.

Chadchart said the gathering boded well for smooth cooperation between the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) and the likely next government.

Meanwhile, Pita, who is leading the formation of the next government, stated he strived to work seamlessly with the BMA.

Regrading some of the metropolitan’s major problems such as PM2.5 dust, Pita said the problems lies with certain ministries as the BMA only has authority to control emissions from four-wheeled vehicles. The emissions from larger vehicles, which also contributes to the air problem, need to be tackled by related ministries, Pita said.

The leader of the MFP also informed the governor of his plan to propose 45 new laws, which specifically pertain to the BMA, in parliament. Among these proposed legislations is one that would mandate, for the first time, the election of Bangkok’s district chiefs.

This would essentially mean each district of Bangkok would have its own mayor reporting to the governor. According to Pita, this would help better manage the city and the position would be elected so each district resident would be directly involved in the process.

The original version of this article appeared on our sister website, The Pattaya News, owned by our parent company TPN media.


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Tanakorn Panyadee
The Latest Local News Translator at The Pattaya News. Aim is a twenty-two year old who currently lives and studies in his last year of college in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.