On January 1st, 2024, Ms. Siriprakai Worapreecha, the deputy director-general of the Thai Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection (DJOP), and the parents of the 14-year-old boy who committed the Siam Paragon shooting incident, visited the Galya Rajanagarindra Institute for psychiatric rehabilitation planning.
Read about the Siam Paragon shooting incident on October 3rd, 2023.
According to a report by the Thai national media, the DJOP had no authority to take custody of the suspect on December 31st, 2023, as the prosecutor had not yet filed a lawsuit against the suspect due to the fact that his mental status was not in a condition to stand a court trial.
Based on Section 14 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the investigation must be suspended until the child’s condition improves. Initially, after the discussion, the parents agreed that the suspect should continue to be psychiatrically treated at the Galya Rajanagarindra Institute and it would be better than being allowed to return to treatment at his residence, Thai national media reported.
Siriprakai publicly revealed that the DJOP had no authority to take custody of the 14-year-old suspect as of December 31st, 2023. The officials then contacted the Galya Rajanagarindra Institute for further psychiatric rehabilitation as agreed with the parents.
The expenses would be paid by the parents of the suspect with an indefinite period of rehabilitation, said Siriprakai.
The decision has caused polarising responses online, with many concerned the suspect could be released and allowed in public, but remains under psychiatric care for now.
Meanwhile, police will discuss with related agencies the possibility of lowering the minimum age of criminal responsibility from 15 to 12 years, said National Police Chief Pol Gen Torsak Sukvimol.
This article originally appeared on our sister website The Pattaya News.