Bangkok Governor Joins in and Kicks off Songkran at Khaosan Road

Bangkok —

Bangkok governor Chadchart Sittipunt visited Khaosan Road to kick start the Songkran festival yesterday, April 13th.

Clad in a shirt with floral patterns, the governor presided over an opening ceremony of the festival in the morning before touring the road and greeting tourists.

He said the atmosphere was very lively with visitors both foreign and Thai alike. Sellers put stalls out to sell goods, helping pump money into the economy. However, Chadchart said he wanted to see this atmosphere throughout Bangkok, not just Khaosan, to help with the overall economy.

To increase security, there are checkpoints at the road’s entrance to check for weapons and illegal objects, Chadchart said. He added that everyone looked happy, but people should also take care of each other, avoid violent behavior, and do not drink too much.

“Have a full and joyous celebration. Let the bad things wash away with the water, and let the good things come anew. I wish you good luck and a happy New Year,” Chadchart gave a blessing to people.

The original version of this article appeared on our sister website, The Pattaya News, owned by our parent company TPN media.


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Tanakorn Panyadee
The Latest Local News Translator at The Pattaya News. Aim is a twenty-two year old who currently lives and studies in his last year of college in Bangkok. Interested in English translation, story-telling, and entrepreneurship, he believes that hard-working is an indispensable component of every success in this world.