Our Partner Lawyer

Legal options/Lawyers

We often get e-mails and messages here at The Pattaya News requesting that we publish or write an article about personal and legal situations or disputes that one party is having with another or an issue that someone is having with a landlord, business, or other entity. We are not investigative reporters and due to the tough slander and libel laws in Thailand, we cannot publish stories or do investigations unless the proper authorities, lawyers, or police have been properly involved. Please also check this page below: https://thepattayanews.com/legal-help-and-press-release-contacts/

We do, however, have two great partner lawyers who would be happy to speak with you about your issue with an individual, entity, or business. 

Option 1:


Option 2:


Mr. Prasittisak Sanauwan

“Due to the nature of our business and multiple other businesses we are involved in,  We have gone through at least 5 lawyers in Pattaya to find one that is very honest and does exactly what he says!” Bryan Flowers

He specializes in Criminal Law, Civil Law, and Litigation.

You can email Mr. Prasittisak Sanauwan at Express Law in the form below or call him directly.

Please mention that you found him on The Pattaya News because he consults for us often. We have a very strong relationship with Mr. Sanauwan, and we wanted to promote him because he’s so professional.

If you don’t have a case that is worthwhile, he will tell you.

Thai 0956659736
English 0854307659
LINE ID pssw90

Finally, send us a form directly if you wish and we can help you get in contact with a lawyer to assist you.


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