Thai Activist Bung Thaluwang Dies After 108-Day Hunger Strike Protesting Thai Political Activist Detentions


At 11:22 AM, on May 14th, 2024, Ms. Netiporn Sanesangkhom, widely known in Thai as Bung Thaluwang, a political activist from Thaluwang, was pronounced deceased from cardiac arrest after being on a hunger strike for approximately 108 days.

The Thai Criminal Court had previously ordered the revocation of Bung’s bail in her Section 112, better known as Lese Majeste, case for conducting a public poll regarding royal motorcades/processions, and Bung Thaluwang, 28, was detained on January 26th, 2024.

However, Bung Thaluwang reportedly performed a dry hunger strike to protest against the justice system and to put an end to the detention of those charged with political crimes under Section 112 and has been admitted to Thammasat Hospital ever since.

After 110 days of detention and 108 on the hunger strike, Bung was pronounced deceased by Thammasat physicians. Bung intended to donate her body to Thammasat University for medical study and research purposes, according to those close to her.

Ms. Pannika Wanich, the leader of the Progressive Movement Party, expressed her feelings on X regarding Bung’s case in that Thai society should be aware that those who dissent with peaceful political views do not deserve to die or go to jail. Everyone has the right to bail, Pannika added. We all should listen to and accept differences in opinions, even in politics or heated topics, Pannika said.

“We are human beings too. We should preserve our humanity. Rest in Peace, Bung”, posted Pannika.

Bung’s death is likely to cause major discussion and ramifications from political groups in Thailand as Lese Majeste remains a hot topic, especially with the potential dissolution of the opposition Move Forward Party over proposals to amend, not remove, Lese Majeste laws.

Around 3:00 P.M. today, The Thai Department of Corrections responded to the claims by Thai Lawyers for Human Rights and other groups regarding Bung’s hunger strike providing conflicting information over her total number of days on hunger strike, stating that she was, according to them, not on a hunger strike after her transfer from Thammasat University Hospital in April.

The department claimed she was consuming food and fluids normally upon her return from Thammasat University Hospital. However, they did not provide specific dates for this information, and opposition groups have already questioned this statement.

Read a similar article about the Thai Minister of Defense addressing Institution Protection Following Student Activists’ Obstruction of Royal Motorcades.

This article originally appeared on our sister website The Pattaya News.

Kittisak Phalaharn
Kittisak has a passion for outgoings no matter how tough it will be, he will travel with an adventurous style. As for his interests in fantasy, detective genres in novels and sports science books are parts of his soul. He works for Pattaya News as the latest writer.