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Thai Cat and Fish Rice Paddy Art Takes Center Stage at Thailand Biennale Chiang...

Chiang Rai— The viral Thai cat hugging a fish image on the rice field, also known as the Rice paddy art or Tambo art, at Ban Khon Sung, Thoeng, Chiang Rai, will be displayed in...

Chiang Rai COVID-19 center confirms second and third Thai domestic case of Covid-19 connected...

Chiang Rai- Two more cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed in Chiang Rai this morning. Both are connected to a case found earlier in Chiang Mai All three entered Thailand illegally from Myanmar, where...

South African man arrested in Phuket with 196 days of overstay, claims he had...

Phuket – A 30-year-old South African man was arrested in Thalang district with 196 days of overstay. He had recently been attempting to dodge Immigration by moving from Chiang Rai to Phang Nga and then...

Thai Authorities Announce Massive Drug Bust, Fifteen Alleged Drug Smugglers Killed in Northern Thailand...

National— On December 21st, 2023, Pol. Lt. Gen. Panurat Lakboon, the assistant national police chief, publicly revealed the results of the eradication of drug networks in the northern border of Thailand, Chiang Mai and Chiang...

Chiang Rai confirms fourth Thai domestic case of Covid-19 in several days, illegally back...

Chiang Rai- The Chiang Rai COVID –19 center today (December 30th) has officially reported one new Thai female returnee from Myanmar who skipped quarantine by illegally entering the country. The patient is a 25 year old...

One Young Member of the “Wild Boar” Youth Football Team Who Was Rescued From...

National — One of the 12 famous "Wild Boar" football team members who were rescued after getting stuck in Thailand's Tham Luang Cave for 17 days in 2018 has passed away from an unknown cause...

Tham Luang Cave Officially Welcomes Foreign Tourists to Explore Deeper Chambers in Chiang Rai...

Chiang Rai— At 1:30 PM, on December 25th, 2023, Mr. Chutidet Kamonchanut, the Director of the Office of Conservation Area Management No. 15, officially welcomed the first group of tourists for cave exploring at the...